Saturday, June 19, 2010

PENNSYLVANIA-We Don't Want to EAT in your STATE-ia...

Moving from Culinarily and culturally sophisticated and adventurous Los Angeles to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania has been serious culture shock for my husband, Mike.

Raised in L.A, but was born in Paris, and his real name is Michel ( pronounced "Me-shell" )
but that may sound kinda gay to these here fine 'merican folks, so we'll stick with Mike.

Anyhoozle, trading the fast lane of the 405 freeway for the slow clip clop of horse hooves and buggy wheels on Route 23 in Lancaster County meant leaving behind fish tacos and falafels and forgetting Phillipe's French Dips, Pinks Hot Dogs and obscure late night Korean bbq trucks.

Everything here is boiled to death and salt is the opiate of the people.

Where will we go?

What will we do?

And more importantly,
what can I feed my arrogant french husband???

1 comment:

  1. Make him eat scrapple, and then tell him if he complains about the food again, that's all you'll fix him from now on.
